Today an exceptionally unattractive card was waiting for me. But it is written in a very funny German!
This too is from the Netherlands, traveled 221 km (137 miles) and took 4 days to get to me.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Postcrossing #2
Today there was another beautiful postcard in my mailbox. It came from Finland and took 12 days to travel 1.713 km (1.064 miles).
Order into the Chaos:
Friday, November 25, 2011
Questions: Borderline Personality Test
- Does criticism from other people, even in small measure, make you feel horrible inside?
✔ - While being successful in your work life, do you feel as though a happy, successful relationship has been the one thing that's alluded you?
✔ - Would you say your emotional life has been characterized by anguish?
✔ - Have you found it hard to have close friends for very long?
✔ - Do you feel like you have less friends than those around you?
✔ - Do you tend to, at first, over idealize people and later often feel let down by them?
✔ - Have you ever been accused of behaving in ways that are all or nothing with nothing in between?
✔ - Have you taken on the values, habits and preferences of people, institutions, religions or philosophies, only to regret this decision later?
✔ - Have you experienced intense episodes of sadness, irritability, and anxiety or panic attacks?
✔ - Have you often felt raw? exhausted? in despair?
✔ - Do you have trouble sleeping?
✘ - Have you experienced chronic feelings of emptiness? Have you experienced a physical manifestation of this in your stomach or chest?
✔ - Do you have trouble being alone?
Hmmmmm.... - Have you experienced intense relationships?
✔ - Do you feel like other people's emotional needs are too great?
✔ - Have you felt depleted from giving it your all to relationships?
✘ - Have you felt like since you've given it all to relationships and they haven't worked, that your only choice for sanity and balance is to not be in a relationship?
✘ - Do you often feel lonely even when you are in a relationship?
✔ - Do you consciously or unconsciously fear being abandoned?
✔ - Do you seem to require more time with your partner than those you observe around you?
✘ - Does your partner accuse you of having a double standard about the relationship?
✘ - Have you said you feel "unsafe" in your relationship?
✘ - Do you feel like your partner isn't telling you everything?
✘ - Have you ever experienced an overpowering feeling that your partner was keeping things from you? Has your partner expressed feeling falsely accused of doing or saying things?
✔ - Do social engagements and vacations often end up in turmoil?
✔ - Do you feel a strong need for control?
✔ - Are you often afraid that the world is going to cave in on you... that your life is going to collapse if you aren't in control of everything?
✔ - Have you demonstrated outbursts in your most intimate relationships that seemed very appropriate at the time but you regretted later?
✔ - Have you suffered from intense bouts of anger that last for hours, maybe even a few days?
✔ - Are your expressions of anger sometimes followed by shame and guilt?
✔ - Do you ever feel shameful?
✔ - After a relationship has ended, have you felt like you're experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome?
✔ - Do you feel like any contact with that person causes you too much stress?
✔ - Have you ever cut someone off and refused to speak to them?
✔ - Have you continued to refuse contact no matter how hard they try to reach you?
✘ - Do you use alcohol or drugs to soothe your emotional pain?
✔ - Do you have, or has anyone suggested you have, an eating disorder?
✔ - Have you been known to spend too much, eat too much, be sexually promiscuous, or drive too fast?
✘ - Have others commented or complained you work too much?
✘ - Has anyone ever accused you of being paranoid?
✔ - Have you ever cut yourself?
✔ - Have you ever experienced so much emotional pain that you felt like you wanted to die?
✔ - Have you ever attempted suicide?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Christmas Shopping Hell
I know exactly why I hardly ever go into town.
Now I also made the mistake of deciding to do just that on a Saturday during the Christmas Market.
Bonn's city center was crammed full. People everywhere. Strollers everywhere. Everywhere slowly walking people and those standing in the way. And since I am someone who tends to walk pretty fast, these happen to be my special personal nightmare.
The fun started when I went to the bank. I had three money transfers to do (among other things, for this), so I took a bit longer at the machine than I usually would have done. The guy waiting for me to get done seemed to be in a bit more of a hurry than I was but I was still quite able to block out his grunting and mumbling.
On the way to the Lush shop the jostling started. And inside it was even worse. The store already is so tiny that it would be difficult to navigate through, even if there weren't shop assistants and other customers standing around all over the place. I didn't even get to the shelf with the bubble-stuff because that was besieged. But my mother will now be getting the following for Christmas: Big Blue, Avobath, Rose Queen Ballistic and Springwash Duschgel. And my backpack smells really nice. When I had finally squeezed through to the check-out and the lady there didn't take my basket but greeted me with 'Would you like a bag?', I must have looked so confused that she started speaking English to me. Whatever. I played along.
In the tea shop I then had difficulties to find something that I thought was worth being given as a gift. However, I did then fall into a buying frenzy. Thankfully, it wasn't so full in there and nobody wanted to advise me. The cousin-fraction of the familiy will now be getting Rooitea Ingwer, Bambus Pomelo and Spätsommerliebe. I couldn't resist the Bambus Pomelo for myself either (it does smell great though!) and I now also have ginger tea!!!
Of course I had to get lemons yet for that and now I'm going to the the Mr. Ming treatment. And if I then have a killer imune system that can't even be bothered by flu viruses that mutated out of anger, I'm going to have to write to Jacksonville!
I also managed to gather a new calendar for myself and a Maus-postcard.
The postcard is pretty Chritmas-y with an advent calendar in the background but then I'll just explain what that's all about to the little Russian boy.
Of course, on the way home the bus just left when I got to the station so I had to take a different one that only took me to the other side of the Rhine and I walked home for the last kilometer. The bus was - what else - cramped full will staring old farts, kids and their rude mothers. While getting out I and a nice and likeable young man (they do seem to exist) helped a lady in a wheelchair out of the bus. That gave me that nice feeling inside of me again. Until I realized she hadn't said thank you.
The next time I leave the house will definitely not be before Monday.
In this sense, Cheers und and happy bumming around!
Now I also made the mistake of deciding to do just that on a Saturday during the Christmas Market.
Bonn's city center was crammed full. People everywhere. Strollers everywhere. Everywhere slowly walking people and those standing in the way. And since I am someone who tends to walk pretty fast, these happen to be my special personal nightmare.
The fun started when I went to the bank. I had three money transfers to do (among other things, for this), so I took a bit longer at the machine than I usually would have done. The guy waiting for me to get done seemed to be in a bit more of a hurry than I was but I was still quite able to block out his grunting and mumbling.
On the way to the Lush shop the jostling started. And inside it was even worse. The store already is so tiny that it would be difficult to navigate through, even if there weren't shop assistants and other customers standing around all over the place. I didn't even get to the shelf with the bubble-stuff because that was besieged. But my mother will now be getting the following for Christmas: Big Blue, Avobath, Rose Queen Ballistic and Springwash Duschgel. And my backpack smells really nice. When I had finally squeezed through to the check-out and the lady there didn't take my basket but greeted me with 'Would you like a bag?', I must have looked so confused that she started speaking English to me. Whatever. I played along.
In the tea shop I then had difficulties to find something that I thought was worth being given as a gift. However, I did then fall into a buying frenzy. Thankfully, it wasn't so full in there and nobody wanted to advise me. The cousin-fraction of the familiy will now be getting Rooitea Ingwer, Bambus Pomelo and Spätsommerliebe. I couldn't resist the Bambus Pomelo for myself either (it does smell great though!) and I now also have ginger tea!!!
Of course I had to get lemons yet for that and now I'm going to the the Mr. Ming treatment. And if I then have a killer imune system that can't even be bothered by flu viruses that mutated out of anger, I'm going to have to write to Jacksonville!
I also managed to gather a new calendar for myself and a Maus-postcard.
The postcard is pretty Chritmas-y with an advent calendar in the background but then I'll just explain what that's all about to the little Russian boy.
Of course, on the way home the bus just left when I got to the station so I had to take a different one that only took me to the other side of the Rhine and I walked home for the last kilometer. The bus was - what else - cramped full will staring old farts, kids and their rude mothers. While getting out I and a nice and likeable young man (they do seem to exist) helped a lady in a wheelchair out of the bus. That gave me that nice feeling inside of me again. Until I realized she hadn't said thank you.
The next time I leave the house will definitely not be before Monday.
In this sense, Cheers und and happy bumming around!
Order into the Chaos:
Every day business,
Friday, November 18, 2011
Die 100 neuen Lieblingsbücher der Deutschen / The 100 new favorite books of Germans (in German)
Gefunden... Bei wem wohl?
Allerdings enthält das Original auch den Ursprung der Liste, die ich hier jetzt nicht nochmal posten will.
Fett = gelesen (oder angefangen)
Kursiv = will ich lesen
Weitere Kommentare jeweils in Klammern.
1. Suzanne Collins – Die Tribute von Panem: Tödliche Spiele
2. Stephenie Meyer – Biss zum Morgengrauen
3. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban (engl.)
4. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes (engl.)
5. Walter Moers – Die Stadt der träumenden Bücher
6. Michael Ende – Die unendliche Geschichte
7. J. R. R. Tolkien – Der Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten
8. Markus Zusak – Die Bücherdiebin
9. Carlos Ruiz Zafon – Der Schatten des Windes
10. Cornelia Funke – Tintenherz (als Hörbuch bis kurz vorm Ende)
11. Ken Follet – Die Säulen der Erde
12. Kerstin Gier – Rubinrot
13. Daniel Glattauer – Gut gegen Nordwind
14. Jane Austen – Stolz und Vorurteil
15. Patrick Süßkind – Das Parfüm
16. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (engl.)
17. Stephenie Meyer – Biss zum Ende der Nacht
18. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix (engl.)
19. Cassandra Clare – City of Bones
20. Stephenie Meyer – Seelen
21. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch (engl.)
22. Cecilia Ahern – P.S. Ich liebe Dich
23. J. R. R. Tolkien – Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs
24. Stephenie Meyer – Biss zum Abendrot
25. Simon Beckett – Die Chemie des Todes
26. Douglas Adams – Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis
27. Stieg Larsson – Verblendung
28. Marion Zimmer Bradley – Die Nebel von Avalon
29. Oscar Wilde – Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (Nur die ersten Seiten. Zählt das?)
30. Ally Condie – Die Auswahl
31. Diana Gabaldon – Feuer und Stein
32. J. R. R. Tolkien – Der Herr der Ringe: Die zwei Türme
33. Donna W. Cross – Die Päpstin
34. Sebastian Fitzek – Die Therapie
35. Michael Ende – Momo
36. Khaled Hosseini – Drachenläufer
37. Kerstin Gier – Smaragdgrün
38. J. R. R. Tolkien – Der kleine Hobbit
39. Stieg Larsson – Verdammnis
40. Audrey Niffenger – Die Frau des Zeitreisenden
41. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz (engl.)
42. Stephenie Meyer – Biss zur Mittagsstunde
43. Antoine de Saint-Exupery – Der kleine Prinz
44. Dan Brown – Illuminati (engl., Pflichtlektüre an der Uni)
45. Maggie Stiefvater – Nach dem Sommer
46. Astrid Lindgren – Ronja Räubertochter
47. Kerstin Gier – Saphirblau
48. Anna Gavalda – Zusammen ist man weniger allein
49. Frank Schätzing – Der Schwarm
50. Cody McFayden – Die Blutlinie
51. Noah Gordon – Der Medicus
52. Dan Brown – Sakrileg (engl., Pflichtlektüre an der Uni)
53. Cassandra Clare – City of Glass
54. Christopher Paolini – Eragon: Das Vermächtnis der Drachenreiter
55. Tess Gerritsen – Die Chirurgin
56. Arthur Golden – Die Geisha
57. Charlotte Bronte – Jane Eyre
58. Iny Lorentz – Die Wanderhure
59. Patrick Rothfuss – Der Name des Windes
60. Johann Wolfgang Goethe – Faust (Deutsch LK)
61. Suzanne Collins – Die Tribute von Panem: Gefährliche Liebe
62. Daniel Glattauer – Alle sieben Wellen
63. Ursula Poznanski – Erebos
64. Antonia Michaelis – Der Märchenerzähler
65. Jodi Picoult – Beim Leben meiner Schwester
66. Sebastian Fitzek – Der Seelenbrecher
67. Umberto Eco – Der Name der Rose
68. Walter Moers – Die 13 1/2 Leben des Käpt`n Blaubär
69. Kerstin Gier – Die Mütter-Mafia
70. Kristin Cashore – Die Beschenkte
71. Stieg Larsson – Vergebung
72. Jostein Gaarder – Sofies Welt
73. Bettina Belitz – Splitterherz
74. Simone Elkeles – Du oder das ganze Leben
75. Friedrich Dürenmatt – Die Physiker
76. Nina Blazon – Faunblut
77. Akif Pirnicci – Felidae
78. Kai Meyer – Arkadien erwacht
79. Simon Beckett – Kalte Asche
80. Rebecca Gable – Das Lächeln der Fortuna
81. George Orwell – 1984
82. Isabel Abedi – Lucian
83. Cecila Ahern – Für immer vielleicht
84. Milan Kundera – Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins
85. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens (engl.)
86. Paulo Coelho – Veronika beschließt zu sterben
87. Bram Stoker – Dracula
88. P. C. & Christin Cast – Gezeichnet (engl.)
89. John Boyne – Der Junge im gestreiften Pyjama
90. David Safier – Mieses Karma
91. Cody McFayden – Der Todeskünstler
92. Terry Pretchett – Gevatter Tod
93. Suzanne Collins – Die Tribute von Panem: Flammender Zorn
94. Anne Frank – Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank
95. Astrid Lindgren – Pippi Langstrumpf
96. Bernhard Schlink – Der Vorleser
97. Kerstin Gier – Für jede Lösung ein Problem
98. Christiane F. – Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo
99. Otfried Preußler – Krabat
100. Lauren Oliver – Wenn du stirbst zieht dein ganzes Leben an dir vorbei, sagen sie
Allerdings enthält das Original auch den Ursprung der Liste, die ich hier jetzt nicht nochmal posten will.
Fett = gelesen (oder angefangen)
Kursiv = will ich lesen
Weitere Kommentare jeweils in Klammern.
1. Suzanne Collins – Die Tribute von Panem: Tödliche Spiele
2. Stephenie Meyer – Biss zum Morgengrauen
3. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und der Gefangene von Askaban (engl.)
4. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes (engl.)
5. Walter Moers – Die Stadt der träumenden Bücher
6. Michael Ende – Die unendliche Geschichte
7. J. R. R. Tolkien – Der Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten
8. Markus Zusak – Die Bücherdiebin
9. Carlos Ruiz Zafon – Der Schatten des Windes
10. Cornelia Funke – Tintenherz (als Hörbuch bis kurz vorm Ende)
11. Ken Follet – Die Säulen der Erde
12. Kerstin Gier – Rubinrot
13. Daniel Glattauer – Gut gegen Nordwind
14. Jane Austen – Stolz und Vorurteil
15. Patrick Süßkind – Das Parfüm
16. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (engl.)
17. Stephenie Meyer – Biss zum Ende der Nacht
18. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix (engl.)
19. Cassandra Clare – City of Bones
20. Stephenie Meyer – Seelen
21. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch (engl.)
22. Cecilia Ahern – P.S. Ich liebe Dich
23. J. R. R. Tolkien – Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs
24. Stephenie Meyer – Biss zum Abendrot
25. Simon Beckett – Die Chemie des Todes
26. Douglas Adams – Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis
27. Stieg Larsson – Verblendung
28. Marion Zimmer Bradley – Die Nebel von Avalon
29. Oscar Wilde – Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray (Nur die ersten Seiten. Zählt das?)
30. Ally Condie – Die Auswahl
31. Diana Gabaldon – Feuer und Stein
32. J. R. R. Tolkien – Der Herr der Ringe: Die zwei Türme
33. Donna W. Cross – Die Päpstin
34. Sebastian Fitzek – Die Therapie
35. Michael Ende – Momo
36. Khaled Hosseini – Drachenläufer
37. Kerstin Gier – Smaragdgrün
38. J. R. R. Tolkien – Der kleine Hobbit
39. Stieg Larsson – Verdammnis
40. Audrey Niffenger – Die Frau des Zeitreisenden
41. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz (engl.)
42. Stephenie Meyer – Biss zur Mittagsstunde
43. Antoine de Saint-Exupery – Der kleine Prinz
44. Dan Brown – Illuminati (engl., Pflichtlektüre an der Uni)
45. Maggie Stiefvater – Nach dem Sommer
46. Astrid Lindgren – Ronja Räubertochter
47. Kerstin Gier – Saphirblau
48. Anna Gavalda – Zusammen ist man weniger allein
49. Frank Schätzing – Der Schwarm
50. Cody McFayden – Die Blutlinie
51. Noah Gordon – Der Medicus
52. Dan Brown – Sakrileg (engl., Pflichtlektüre an der Uni)
53. Cassandra Clare – City of Glass
54. Christopher Paolini – Eragon: Das Vermächtnis der Drachenreiter
55. Tess Gerritsen – Die Chirurgin
56. Arthur Golden – Die Geisha
57. Charlotte Bronte – Jane Eyre
58. Iny Lorentz – Die Wanderhure
59. Patrick Rothfuss – Der Name des Windes
60. Johann Wolfgang Goethe – Faust (Deutsch LK)
61. Suzanne Collins – Die Tribute von Panem: Gefährliche Liebe
62. Daniel Glattauer – Alle sieben Wellen
63. Ursula Poznanski – Erebos
64. Antonia Michaelis – Der Märchenerzähler
65. Jodi Picoult – Beim Leben meiner Schwester
66. Sebastian Fitzek – Der Seelenbrecher
67. Umberto Eco – Der Name der Rose
68. Walter Moers – Die 13 1/2 Leben des Käpt`n Blaubär
69. Kerstin Gier – Die Mütter-Mafia
70. Kristin Cashore – Die Beschenkte
71. Stieg Larsson – Vergebung
72. Jostein Gaarder – Sofies Welt
73. Bettina Belitz – Splitterherz
74. Simone Elkeles – Du oder das ganze Leben
75. Friedrich Dürenmatt – Die Physiker
76. Nina Blazon – Faunblut
77. Akif Pirnicci – Felidae
78. Kai Meyer – Arkadien erwacht
79. Simon Beckett – Kalte Asche
80. Rebecca Gable – Das Lächeln der Fortuna
81. George Orwell – 1984
82. Isabel Abedi – Lucian
83. Cecila Ahern – Für immer vielleicht
84. Milan Kundera – Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Seins
85. J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens (engl.)
86. Paulo Coelho – Veronika beschließt zu sterben
87. Bram Stoker – Dracula
88. P. C. & Christin Cast – Gezeichnet (engl.)
89. John Boyne – Der Junge im gestreiften Pyjama
90. David Safier – Mieses Karma
91. Cody McFayden – Der Todeskünstler
92. Terry Pretchett – Gevatter Tod
93. Suzanne Collins – Die Tribute von Panem: Flammender Zorn
94. Anne Frank – Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank
95. Astrid Lindgren – Pippi Langstrumpf
96. Bernhard Schlink – Der Vorleser
97. Kerstin Gier – Für jede Lösung ein Problem
98. Christiane F. – Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo
99. Otfried Preußler – Krabat
100. Lauren Oliver – Wenn du stirbst zieht dein ganzes Leben an dir vorbei, sagen sie
Order into the Chaos:
Under the Influence
The Camera
Santa Claus is bringing me a camera for Christmas this year. I do still have my old one that I bought (oh God, has it been that long?) 8 years ago but that just eats batteries. (And if I put in too cheap new ones it won't even turn on.) So when I moved in with the Ex, I just threw it in my box with electronical-junk cause she had a decent one. And there it still sits.
Lately I really feel like taking pictures though. Mostly of the cats who really are the two most beautiful creatures on this planets, but somtimes of just random other things too. I'd really like to be able to take pictures now already and as usual, I have lost my iPhone. (I'm pretty good at that.)
Maybe I should get that old log back out of its box and see how much life is left in it.
Edit: It's dead. I put in brand new (cheap) batteries and there is no reaction at all :(
Lately I really feel like taking pictures though. Mostly of the cats who really are the two most beautiful creatures on this planets, but somtimes of just random other things too. I'd really like to be able to take pictures now already and as usual, I have lost my iPhone. (I'm pretty good at that.)
Maybe I should get that old log back out of its box and see how much life is left in it.
Edit: It's dead. I put in brand new (cheap) batteries and there is no reaction at all :(
Order into the Chaos:
Under the Influence
Test: Is your cat plotting to kill you?
Order into the Chaos:
Tibet's call for freedom
The copy of an email that arrived today: (sorry, it'll stay German)
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,Anfang November lief Palden Choetso aus ihrem Kloster, schüttete Benzin über sich und setzte sich in Brand, während sie nach einem ‘freien Tibet’ rief. Minuten später war sie tot. Im vergangenen Monat haben sich neun buddhistische Mönche und Nonnen selbst verbrannt, um gegen die zunehmende Repression Chinas gegen das friedliche Volk der Tibeter zu protestieren.
Diese tragischen Handlungen sind ein verzweifelter Hilferuf. Mit Maschinengewehren bewaffnete chinesische Sicherheitskräfte schlagen Mönche und lassen sie verschwinden, belagern Klöster und bringen sogar alte Menschen um, die die Klöster schützen wollen -- all das, nur um Tibet jegliche Rechte zu verweigern. China begrenzt den Zugang zu der Region drastisch. Aber wenn wir wichtige Regierungen davon überzeugen können, Diplomaten in die Region zu schicken und die zunehmende Brutalität offenzulegen, könnten wir Menschenleben retten.
Wir müssen schnell Handeln -- diese schreckliche Situation gerät hinter dem Mantel der Zensur außer Kontrolle. Immer wieder haben wir gesehen, dass Diplomaten zum Handeln angeregt werden und den politischen Druck erhöhen, wenn sie selbst Zeugen solcher Gräueltaten werden. Reagieren wir auf Paldens tragischen Hilferuf mit einer riesigen Petition an die sechs Weltpolitiker mit dem meisten Einfluss in Beijing, damit eine Mission nach Tibet entsandt wird und sie sich gegen die Unterdrückung aussprechen. Unterzeichnen Sie diese Notfall-Petition:
Die Tibeter ersticken unter Chinas eisernem Griff. Sie können ihre Religion nicht frei ausüben -- schon das Herunterladen eines Fotos des Dalai Lama kann einen Tibeter ins Gefängnis bringen. Und es wird immer schlimmer: Mehrere Kolonnen chinesischer Truppen haben die größten Klöster blockiert und entführen Mönche in “patriotische Umerziehungs-Programme”. Diese schreckliche Situation gerät zunehmend außer Kontrolle.
Seit Anfang dieses Jahres haben sich elf Mönche und Nonnen selbst verbrannt und mit jedem Protest verstärkt China den Druck. Für Tibeter sind Selbstverbrennungen ein besonders schwerwiegendes Opfer, das das Ausmaß ihrer Verzweiflung offenbart. Sie glauben, dass Selbstmord einen verheerenden Einfluss auf den Kreislauf der Reinkarnation hat und man bis zu 500 Leben zurückgeworfen wird. Doch die Situation in Tibet ist so schrecklich, dass Mönche und Nonnen ihre Position im Kreislauf der Wiedergeburten aufgeben, in der Hoffnung auf internationale Kenntnisnahme und Freiheit für ihre Brüder und Schwestern.
Die chinesische Regierung lässt keine Journalisten oder Menschenrechtsbeobachter in die Region -- Journalisten von Sky news und AFP wurden erst kürzlich zur Ausreise gezwungen. Diplomaten können jedoch Zugang beantragen und einreisen. Und wie wir erst vor kurzem im Fall von Syrien gesehen haben, sind sie der beste Weg, Augenzeugenberichte zu bekommen, China zu zeigen, dass die Welt auf China schaut und politische Gespräche auf höchster Ebene über die Menschenrechte von Tibetern zu beginnen.
Es liegt an uns, weltweit Alarm zu schlagen. Wenn wir die USA, Großbritannien, Australien, Indien, Frankreich und die EU dazu bewegen, jetzt eine Delegation zu entsenden, könnten sie China zum Handeln zwingen. Wir dürfen keine Zeit verlieren -- unterzeichnen Sie diese Notfall-Petition:
Avaaz-Mitglieder haben Projekte unterstützt, die sich gegen die Mediensperre einsetzen und die Kultur und Religion Tibets unterstützen. Aber die gnadenlose Unterdrückung durch China eskaliert. Es ist an der Zeit, dass sich unser ganzes Netzwerk für diese friedlichen Menschen, die ihr Leben für Grundrechte opfern, einsetzt. Zeigen wir ihnen, dass die Welt sie nicht vergessen hat.
Voller Hoffnung und Entschlossenheit,
Emma, Iain, Dalia, Ricken, Diego, Shibayan, Giulia, und das ganze Avaaz-Team
Weitere informationen:
Selbstverbrennung aus Protest gegen China (Zeit)
Selbstverbrennungen von Mönchen: Neue Tibet-Politik gefordert (TAZ)!81492/
Unruhen: Protest in Tibet: Nonne verbrennt sich (Focus)
Tibetische Nonne verbrennt sich selbst (BBC, auf Englisch)
Tibetische Nonne stirbt (Sky, auf Englisch)
Dalai Lama: 'Kultureller Genozid' hinter Selbstverbrennungen (BBC, auf Englisch)
Studie zeigt Repression in tibetischen Gebieten Chinas auf (The New York Times, auf Englisch, mit Report von Human Rights Watch)
Aufnahmen von tibetischem Mönch nach Selbstverbrennung im April
Videoaufnahmen, die erhöhte Polizeipräsenz in Ngaba zeigen (AFP)
Order into the Chaos:
For Reasons
"Do more, be bored less"-Project for the weekend of calendar week 46
Even if I made a different impression this morning (see this or this or this), all in all the day way pretty much okay so far. After several hour of installing, uninstalling and getting rid of bugs that were my own fault, everybody in the company was called into the conference room. There we celebrated the release of our new Beta program with sandwiches and champagne. And I consider just sitting around and talking as some very nice paid work time.
Of course that lead to me staying at work longer than planned and I didn't feel like going downtown anymore. So my list of weekend activitied is just getting a bit longer:
So if I get bored with having all that to do, I just can't help myself.
Of course that lead to me staying at work longer than planned and I didn't feel like going downtown anymore. So my list of weekend activitied is just getting a bit longer:
● | Go into town | |
◦ Pay bills | ✔ | |
◦ Buy tea | ✔ | |
◦ Buy stuff from the Lush store | ✔ | |
◦ Buy postcards | ✔ | |
● | Sewing | |
◦ Choose a pattern | ✔ | |
◦ Calculate the pattern | ✔ | |
◦ Cut the fabrics | ✔ | |
● | Write postcards | ❒ |
● | Practice the keyboard | ❒ |
● | Clean up my desk | ❒ |
So if I get bored with having all that to do, I just can't help myself.
Order into the Chaos:
Do more be bored less,
Every day business,
Cousins & Cousin-in-law
Best Friend
● | Quilted Pillow Edit: I'm happy to say I finished the pillow at 3:33 am just before Christmas. | ❒ |
● | Stuff from the Lush shop | ✔ |
● | John Wayne DVDs | ✔ |
Cousins & Cousin-in-law
● | Tea & Tea Cups | ✔ |
(because I don't have any better ideas) |
● | Young @ Heart DVD | ✔ |
● | Hand-made Spongebob handbag | ❒ |
(if I have enough time) |
Best Friend
● | Quilted Pillow | ❒ |
(if I have enough time) | ||
● | Alternatively: My favorite book | ❒ |
[Stöckchen] Seite 123
I'm sorry, this is a tag and it's going to stay German.
Von Miss Temple mitgenommen.
• Nimm das nächste Buch in deiner Nähe mit mindestens 123 Seiten.
• Schlage Seite 123 auf.
• Suche den fünften Satz auf der Seite.
• Poste die nächsten drei Sätze.
• Wirf das Stöckchen an fünf Blogger weiter.
Ich habe kein Buch neben mir, also bin ich zum Regal gewankt und hab das erste Buch in Reichweite genommen.
Franz Kafka - Erzählungen
"So viel Wasser hätte der Nil nicht, um uns rein zu waschen. Wir laufen doch bloß schon vor dem Anblick ihres lebenden Leibes weg, in reinere Luft, in die Wüste, die deshalb unsere Heimat ist.'
Und alle Schakale ringsum, zu denen inzwischen noch viele von fern her gekommen waren, senkten die Köpfe zwischen die Vorderbeine und putzten mit den Pfoten; es war, als wollten sie einen Widerwillen verbergen, der so schrecklich war, daß ich am liebsten mit einem hohen Sprung aus ihrem Kreis entflohen wäre"
Und wenn ich mal Leser habe, werde ich mich sehr freuen, das Stöckchen weiter zu geben.
Von Miss Temple mitgenommen.
• Nimm das nächste Buch in deiner Nähe mit mindestens 123 Seiten.
• Schlage Seite 123 auf.
• Suche den fünften Satz auf der Seite.
• Poste die nächsten drei Sätze.
• Wirf das Stöckchen an fünf Blogger weiter.
Ich habe kein Buch neben mir, also bin ich zum Regal gewankt und hab das erste Buch in Reichweite genommen.
Franz Kafka - Erzählungen
"So viel Wasser hätte der Nil nicht, um uns rein zu waschen. Wir laufen doch bloß schon vor dem Anblick ihres lebenden Leibes weg, in reinere Luft, in die Wüste, die deshalb unsere Heimat ist.'
Und alle Schakale ringsum, zu denen inzwischen noch viele von fern her gekommen waren, senkten die Köpfe zwischen die Vorderbeine und putzten mit den Pfoten; es war, als wollten sie einen Widerwillen verbergen, der so schrecklich war, daß ich am liebsten mit einem hohen Sprung aus ihrem Kreis entflohen wäre"
Und wenn ich mal Leser habe, werde ich mich sehr freuen, das Stöckchen weiter zu geben.
Order into the Chaos:
Under the Influence
Thursday, November 17, 2011
To begin with...
Today was therapy-time again. I didn't mention yesterday's breakdown (just ask my twitter-friends...) for the simple reason that I know exactly what it was and where it came from. A mixture of alcohol, PMS (it's seems to be getting a problem since last month), my cute little personality disorder and the fact I will never ever be over my Ex. But I really didn't feel like talking about it.
So, as last week, all we talked about was that I want to join a choir.
All of my time in school I was a passionate choir girl and I love to sing. Although I would never do it sober and knowing that somebody's watching. But then it is my fear of people that stops me from signing up somewhere.
My therapist said I should make a pro- and con list, which basically probably is a pretty good idea. Except I hate pro- and con lists.
And once again I noticed that she generally speaks a lot more than I do. I don't mind. I'm always pretty self-conscious in conversations. And I still think it's a better way of handling it that the old bag who always has her session before me. She talks without stopping and so loudly that I could probably fix her right from the waiting room.
Well, all in all it wasn't a very good day but one that was easily bearable. And the one on which I decided to write again.
Order into the Chaos:
Every day business,
The Ex,
Under the Influence
Lieschen is blogging. 5000th try.
Inspired by Miss Temple's blog(s) which I've currently been reading during boring times at work, I've decided to try it for myself again.
I really hope this blog makes me write more often. I used to do that excessively and sometimes I really miss it.
And no, you won't be able to read the old ones!
I really hope this blog makes me write more often. I used to do that excessively and sometimes I really miss it.
And no, you won't be able to read the old ones!
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